Thanks for your interest in exploring or being a subscriber of Simple Investing’s Value and Momentum smallcase.
Performance Update
Firstly sharing with you the performance update for the first live week.
The smallcase is up 4.8% v/s 1.5% for Nifty 50 (from 2nd of June)
Pleased to announce that for some of you, the smallcase has already justified its fee 🤞
Some key points for the users -
If you are new to directly investing in stocks, checking the portfolio every couple of hours can be very very enticing. I would recommend you resist that temptation and check the performance on the weekends only. Even I am thinking of doing this as well.
Think from a long-term perspective, and now that you are committed to the small case, stick with me for an entire market cycle (ideally 5 years).
I will share occasional updates about the performance and investment rationale with you. This tweet thread of the launch has a good overview of the Value & Momentum strategy and what you can expect from it.